Sri Purnama

A multifaceted individual, juggling roles from a researcher, entrepreneur, philanthropist, to a lifelong learner. Beyond my professional commitments, I am deeply drawn to writing, music, and a myriad of hobbies that keep my spirit alive. Dive into my world and discover my passions and pursuits.

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Andamaris Investasi Utama is dedicated to championing the dreams of MSMEs and their ability to make a significant impact on the economy. As a venture capital initiative, we’re not just about funding; we’re about nurturing, mentoring, and turning visions into tangible successes. Our projects are including renewable energy, properties, agriculture, export-import, F&B ventures, and clothing line.

Seafood has never tasted this good! At SeaSatay, we offer a diverse platter of seafood, from succulent clams to tantalising octopus, all grilled to perfection. It’s not just a dish; it’s an experience.

Fashion that fits your everyday. With a collection that ranges from chic casuals to everyday basics, we cater to the fashion needs of the modern individual. We are all about making you look good and feel comfortable.


Businesses need partners, not just providers. At Neekosa, we stand as that steadfast partner. As a system integrator and managed service provider, our focus isn’t on pushing complex solutions, but on crafting the ones that fit you just right. Elegance in simplicity isn’t just a phrase for us; it’s our mantra. We believe that the best solution is often the one tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you remain agile and ahead of the curve.


An NGO initiated by Youths which focuses on various global issues and crises, from humanity to environment. This NGO stands as a promise to address social challenges, uplift spirits, and create a brighter tomorrow.Our Initiatives:Mahija Tribe

A stalwart in education, this foundation has been pivotal in fostering knowledge and igniting passion in its students. Its commitment to holistic learning is commendable.Units:1. Yayasan Pendidikan Prof. Dr. H. Kadirun Yahya
2. Univ. Pemb. Panca Budi
3. Perguruan Panca Budi


A podcast that my twin sister and I create to document our lives.


Other Articles

Selected Publication

Journal Articles

Book Chapter

  • 'Chapter: Indonesia' in John V H Pierce, et. al., The International Arbitration Review, 14th ed., The Law Reviews series, (London: Law Business Research Ltd, 2023).


  • 'Menyelamatkan UMKM dengan E-Commerce dan P2P Lending (Pinjol) di Masa Pandemi', Koran, Investor Daily Indonesia, (September 2020).

Conference Papers

  • 'Perlindungan Data Pribadi Pasien COVID-19 di Indonesia pada Sistem Elektronik Sebelum Adanya Undang-Undang Perlindungan Data Pribadi Berdasarkan Perspektif Teori Keadilan Bermartabat', Prosiding, Seminar Nasional, Politik Hukum untuk Pembangunan Ekonomi Menuju New Normal, Magister Hukum – Universitas Sebelas Maret, (Agustus 2020).

  • 'Tinjauan Perlindungan terhadap Pria yang Mengalami Pelecehan Seksual Berdasarkan Prinsip Keadilan Bermartabat', Prosiding, National Seminar, Negara Hukum dalam Bingkai Pancasila, Fakultas Hukum – Universitas Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, (November 2019).

  • 'Rekonstruksi Peran Badan Keahlian DPR-RI dengan Pranata Evidence-Based Policy', Prosiding, Seminar Nasional, Kebijakan Berbasis Bukti (Evidence-Based Policy) untuk Legislasi DPR-RI dan Daya Saing Bangsa, Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR-RI, (September 2019).

Panel and Presentation

  • 'An Overview of the Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Business Environment in Indonesia: Safeguarding Indigenous Peoples’ Cultural Heritage from Business-Induced Climate Losses', Presentation, The 9th Biennial Conference 2023, Asian Society of International Law, co-hosted by Faculty of Law – Universitas Indonesia and Universitas Jenderal Ahmad Yani, (August 2023).

  • 'The Potential Disputes Relating to Carbon Trading Under Indonesia’s National Carbon Trading Scheme', Presentation, International Conference on Investment, Trade, and Sustainable Development: International Law and Policy Perspectives from Indonesia and the EU, Faculty of Law – Universitas Indonesia, with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and partnered with Maastricht University, (April 2023).


Whether you’re interested in collaboration, have a business proposition, or simply want to discuss my work, I’d be delighted to connect.For collaboration projects or anything else, reach out at: [email protected]Or simply leave me a message through the form.

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